Older Americans Month: Local innovators seek to improve the elder care industry

By Under The Radar Staff
May 13, 2022 Under the Radar
This week on Under the Radar with Callie Crossley:
The pandemic has accelerated the systemic problems elders face, like caregiver burnout, nursing home shutdowns and worsening isolation. Not to mention the ever-increasing price tag that comes with such care. But inspired by global models and local successes, innovative solutions are on the rise. During May, Older Americans Month, we’re giving an up-close look at specific ways to improve the systems and culture that support and sustain elders.
Jessica Kim is cofounder of ianacare, a Boston-based startup that provides tech-enabled caregiver support through employers and health plans.
Joe Carella is executive director of the Scandinavian Living Center, an assisted-living facility specializing in community-centered living in Newton, Mass.
Marlena del Hierro is a gerontologist and VP of partnerships at Seniorly, an online platform providing access and insight to thousands of senior living communities across the country.